Endless Motivation Secret — Motivational Quotes | Motivation

Rithi Rish K
4 min readJun 24, 2021



The secret to always being motivated Edward Desi and Richard Ryan is two psychology professors who in the later years of the 20 thcentury developed. The self-determination theory their aim was to try and determine what drives human beings into action their results and subsequent research proved insightful and today we’ll break down the theory to discover this secret the blog title is promising.

intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and how to foster self-determined behaviors.

it gets even worse when you look around at your friends and find them easily falling into their good habits there’s jane who runs 42 kilometers every week and steve who benches almost 200 kilograms every time he lives and they seemingly do it effortlessly which has probably got you wondering what’s so different between how you jane and steve work aren’t you looking to achieve the same things as they are fitness and a healthy body what’s the source of their endless and effortless motivation and how to do you harness it to apply it to every area of your life this brings us to the research that desi and Ryan our two psychology professors.

parent ensures that their child is going to school because they’re afraid of getting arrested alternatively they could be motivated by the possibility that this child will be the next einstein to win a Nobel prize and share half the monetary reward

evidence for this can be seen in the billion-dollar self-help industry and probably in the fact that you’ve clicked on this Blog to see if your growth will be found in motivation for this positive growth and optimal function.

There are three psychological needs of the individual that must be met desi and Ryan discovered these needs to be autonomy, competency and connectedness or relatedness to other human beings

is the ability of a person to control their behaviors and their goals self-determining starts when the individual has control over their activities and the rewards that come there from a deadline dictates control on when someone is supposed to complete a particular task or activity if you have a report that should be on your boss’s desk in an hour or so the act of doing the report is not autonomous. however, if you choose the time to write a blog post on a site whose content you fully control the activity is autonomous an individual believes they are competent if they can be effective in a particular field

Competency is not just about having the skills to complete a task it’s also about the task being challenging enough that your mind can get lost into it trying to solve the challenging feedback also determines how much a person believes they are competent steve for the instance gets constant compliments about his puffed-out chest and his bench weight both of these serve to make him believe that he’s able in the field of weightlifting.

The third psychological need that is required for growth is connectedness or relatedness an individual needs to feel connected to people and to be cared for and be cared for by others now when these three needs are met behaviors are said to be self-determined this is pure intrinsic motivation and the person is driven to act because of interest enjoyment of the task and inherent satisfaction.

foster your social relationships I was a little surprised to find that one of the basic needs one needs for growth is connectivity to other people a strong social group gives you an avenue to brainstorm your ideas and the cheer you need after you’ve done well also works to reinforce the belief that you are competent

by changing how you receive your rewards you also redirect your mind’s reward system

while coming up with the topic for a Blog to do next week I may decide that my motivation is to get the most views and make the most out of the ad rewards this is an extrinsic motivator and as our theory tells us this hurts our motivation

Originally published at https://www.rithirishk.com.



Rithi Rish K

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